We decided we really liked this room when we bought it, here it is with all our stuff inside. I don't know if it was just pregnancy brain or what but I decided I was tired of the dark colors and that we needed a little sunshine in here.

(this picture makes the room looks SO dark)
I think we got ALOT of sunshine

I love the long curtains in here
And we carried them on into the kitchen since they match my Southern Living plate and bowl

This is the curtain over the door - I LOVE this material (its a tablecloth from Target) - my mom graciously made the curtain for me

This pillow rocks!

THE MIRROR - I decided to keep the mirror and just paint it - originally I was going to do the room in orange, turquoise, red and cream (trust me it was fun looking - a little crazy, my husband was much happier with the teal and green we ended up using)
So I bought some paint that matched my original pillow PERFECTLY

But when it dried, the colors were NO WHERE near what they were in the bottles - I just laughed, that's all - just laughed

So Jackson and I got geared up and spray painted it all black - that's the way it is hanging over my couch now and I LOVE it.