So I bought this *gorgeous* picture at His House for $3 (I should've fought with them to get the price down but I was feeling sweet that day)
Then I hired a sexy handyman to drill holes for me - he offered to show me how but I love NEEDING him
(the hooks are just a box of 50 ugly hooks for $2 at Lowes - I just couldn't make myself buy pretty knobs for $1 each)
Then I went out in the jungle and painted the frame "hat box brown" the same color as my bedroom (since this project was going in my closet)
I, then decided that I hated it that color - it looked kinda cheap and dirty and so I painted it black
I used some fabric that was leftover from my Ruffled Butt Onesie and wrapped the picture
Also using the other pattern of fabric from the onesie I wrapped these "fishing poles" (that's what my mom used them for, I'm not sure what they're really called)
Then I took that baby upstairs and hung it in my closet - you have no idea how much I LOVE this thing